Christian Education

Church School:
Stories, games, arts and crafts, and discussions are just part of our age-appropriate, play-based children’s Christian education curriculum, which focuses each Sunday on one of the Bible stories for the week. In addition to Sunday morning activities, our children have participated in Outreach projects: collecting toiletries for Out of the Cold, food for the Rector’s food cupboard, and funds for Habitat for Humanity. They create cards for sick and elderly parishioners, put on a Christmas Pageant, and much more.

Adult Education:
Retreats, discussion groups and other adult education programs with a wide variety of interesting topics are offered throughout the year. Both parishioners and people from outside the parish have participated in our discussion groups. We have also joined with another church parish in a Bible study barbeque series. These programs most frequently have a devotional focus and are led by our clergy.

An ecumenical Bible study is held on Mondays, from 9:30 to noon with a break for refreshments and socializing. Christians from different parishes and faith communities gather weekly to study scripture. Visiting leaders such as members of religious orders facilitate discussion.

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